Saturday, December 19, 2009

Don't Wring Your Hands. . .Rub Them!

I've always been fascinated by reflexology, whether it be foot, hand, or ear reflexology.

When I have time, I like to Google the "interest of the moment", so today I looked for "Hand reflexology". I found this wonderful interactive chart, and wanted to share the link with you:

Simply move your cursor over the drawing of the hand to see what your fingertips influence, or over a word in the list to find out the spot on the hand related to it.

There is also a link there for a foot chart, but our hands are so much easier to reach. Plus, you can press/rub the reflex spots on the hands just about anywhere, anytime without your great aunt wondering why you're pinching your palm. : )

Remember, reflexology is not meant to replace the care of a primary health care provider. Err on the side of caution and get your situation checked out by your doctor, especially if you are experiencing more than a minor ache or pain.

Have a happy and relaxed holiday!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Improve your energy level!

I love Donna Eden's books, and will be doing a review of her latest, "Energy Medicine for Women" after the holidays. Until then, here's something to get you started:

I've used the 3 Thumps to fight bronchitis before. . . now I use them to prevent it!

Stay warm,